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One more thing is I am conducting an ITC aka IKO Instructor course the details are below:
The Itc will be conducted on the 17th -22nd of December 2010-09-04
You must have a current Medic First Aid Cerificate (MFA) if you don’t a MFA will take place on the 16th of December 2010.
You must also have a level 3 IKO Certification and IKO Assistant Instructor Certification or a letter of recommendation of teaching in water or aerial sport.
As well power boat piloting skills and /or licence.
ITC = 700 Euro
MFA = 65 Euro
If you are interested please fill out the waiver form on this link
Upon completion of the waiver I will forward you the bank details to complete the payment.
Так как курсы на английском, я бы еще добавил, что обязательно знать английский.
Ну как минимум на уровне прочтения этого месса
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