Кроме Рена никто ничего не написал. Понятно, что легче всего просто покидать какашками в продавца, это как поругать правительство признак хорошего тона. Я продаю кайты, но мне к счастью не попадались такие случаи. Хотелось услышать мнение различных сторон процесса. Для объективности я зашел на сайты двух уважаемых брендов Peter Lynn (самые фойловые фойлы) и Airush. Скачал два варианта отношения к гарантии. Они ниже в оригинале. Каму многа букаф, мона ни читать. Вывод следующий: Peter Lynn - ответственности ни за что не несет, все вопросы к продавцу, Airush - надо купить у "белого" продавца, со всеми бумагами и если Вы его нежно запускали и кайт никогда не падал, а у него разошлись почему-то швы или на новом рисунок как-то не так нанесен, то Вы можете обратиться к продавцу с правильными фотками, а продавец будет решать - убили ли Вы кайт или это был гарантийный случай. то есть реально никто никакой гарантии не несет. В любом случае покупателя могут обосновано послать и в большинстве случаев будут правы. В конкретном случае - убить так парафойл можно только пустив его в луп, а на пути кайт встретил землю. Однако следует заметить, что все мы люди и вопросы нужно решать цивилизовано и по-человечески. Здесь необходим адекватный подход как со стороны покупателя, так и со стороны продавца. Покупатель должен представлять - что и у кого покупает, что он в конце получит и за какие деньги, и как это может повлиять на его здоровье и на само оборудование при эксплуатации, а продавец не должен просто впаривать и посылать покупателя, а пытаться разобраться, объяснить, помочь по-возможности с ремонтом или материалами, подсказать проблемы и пути их решения. Тогда все будет нормально.
Ну и как следствие всего сказанного - нужно покупать не просто брендовый товар, а товар у компетентного продавца, который может правильно указать назначение оного для веса райдера, условий катания, его квалификации (например, у того же Рена, это не реклама).
Иначе следующим этапом будут покупки 20 метровых кайтов новичками и рубка деревьев на которых они будут висеть, а в худшем случае...
This Peter Lynn kite has been designed and built for allround traction kiting purposes. Being made of
fi rst class materials, it has been thoroughly tested and approved by Peter Lynn designers and testers.
The kite is warranted to be free of major defects in materials or workmanship to the original purchaser
for a period of six months. Damage as a result of use in too strong wind, or due to crashes on land or
water is not covered.
Peter Lynn shall not be responsible for any costs, losses, or damages incurred as a result of using this
In case you may find any problems with your new kite, please contact your local dealer.
Airush Warrantees any of our products to be free of major manufacturing defects in materials or workmanship to the original purchaser for a period of 1 year for kites, soft goods, and sandwich construction boards (surf directional’s) and 2 years for twin-tip boards, excluding FS TEAM (1 year). This excludes any wear components that have been subjected to normal wear and tear.
The warranty is subject to the following conditions
1. You must submit a proof of purchase from an Authorized and Recognized Airush Dealer
2. The warranty is valid ONLY when the warranty item has been purchased from an authorized dealer or distributor.
3. Any Airush product purchased on E-Bay or similar auction websites is NOT covered under warranty.
4. The warranty is valid only when the product is used under normal recreational activities.
5. The warranty is valid only when the proper Airush warranty procedure has been followed as defined in the Airush Warranty Protocol.
6. Airush will make the warranty determination only after inspection and/or analysis of photos of the product clearly showing the defect.
7. If a product is deemed to be defective by Airush, the warranty covers the repair or replacement of the defective product only. Airush is not responsible for any cost, losses, or damages incurred as a result of loss of use of the product.
8. The warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse, abuse, neglect of normal wear and tear including but not limited to, punctures, rigging with non-Airush components, damage due to excessive sun or wind exposure or seam failure due to over-inflation, damage caused by improper handling and storage, damages caused by crashing in waves or shore break and damage caused by anything other than defects in materials and workmanship.
9. The warranty is void if any unauthorized repair, change or modification, has been made to any part of the equipment.
10. The warranty for any repair or replacement equipment is good from only the date of the original purchase.
11. The original purchase receipt must accompany all warranty claims. The name of the retailer and date of purchase must be clear and legible.
12. There are no warranties that extend beyond what has been specified here.
Airush Warranty Protocol
The distributor must follow the protocol for all warranty claims stated below.
The distributor provides
1. Completed warranty form that includes a detailed explanation of the damage/fault and a full description of how it happened.
2. Proof of purchase showing when the customer purchased the product.
3. Photos showing the detail of the fault.
4. Photos showing the serial number of the board
In the case of a repair credit note (RCN), the distributor must send a copy of the repair invoice. RCN’s will only be reimbursed at fair market value for the labor and material of the repair. When the claim form and all documentations are submitted the claim will be reviewed and a decision will be made in a timely manner.
If the claim is accepted, the distributor will be offered a replacement or full credit note (FCN), repair credit note (RCN), or discount credit note (DCN).
Any replacement items will be included in the next possible shipment. Airush Kiteboarding is not responsible for freight charges for any replacement items.
Kites – Covered
Damage due to poor or faulty stitching
Blemishes in the printing on the kite
Kites- Not Covered
Damage due to crashing on land or water
Damage due to over-inflation
Damage due to improper care or storage
Boards – Covered
Structural cracks on fiberglass top sheet, base, core, edge, sidewall and inserts
Lamination failure of top sheet, base, sidewall, or edge
Stripped or spinning inserts. (Note: Inserts that are stripped due to improper
mounting are repairable, but are not considered a material flaw)
Boards – Not Covered
Damage due to jumping (all sandwich technology boards)
Damage due to impact